Treatments for Body, Mind & Soul
I am Susa Tyrniluoto, a visual artist and wellness entrepreneur. Under the business name Jazmine, I offer art-shamanistic services for the wellbeing and pleasure of body, mind, and soul. Jazmine Studio is located in Helsinki at Nilsiänkatu 10 A
To me, shamanism means dedication to therapeutic treatments and artistic creation, but also a deep connection to the spiritual world and mysticism.
I have studied various traditional healing methods. For physical and mental wellbeing, I offer Chinese traditional medicine acupressure massage and Finnish bone setting therapy. I also provide services for enhancing spiritual wellbeing and self-understanding.
For mental wellbeing and identity building support, I offer empowerment photography services focusing on body image exploration. The sessions can be themed as nude, boudoir, or kinky photography.
I also offer shamanic services for spiritual wellbeing and enhanced self-understanding.
The name Jazmine has its roots in my favorite music, jazz. According to stories, the word jazz originated from the jasmine-scented perfume used by sex workers in New Orleans.
My artist website is at

I offer touch therapy treatments including massage based on Chinese traditional medicine and Finnish bone setting therapy traditions. These treatments can also support mental wellbeing.
For mental wellbeing and identity building, I offer empowerment Dream Portrait photography services.
The photography aims to explore your body with gentleness. Images can range from minimalist nude photos to boudoir/dudeoir style intimate portraits for yourself or your loved one. We can also explore bolder kinky themes or examine gender expression, such as playing with and breaking boundaries between femininity and masculinity.
Soul Portrait is a technique where I create drawings based on people's life situations, knowing only their first names. Recipients have reported that these images capture their lives with remarkable accuracy.
I also offer shamanic soul healing through shamanic meditation journeys.
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